How do i get the row of a node in a treegrid for passing to the refreshRow method?
I see the indexOf method and the getRecordIndex method.
I have tried both and keep getting a -1 returned.
What am i doing wrong?
here is my code:
I see the indexOf method and the getRecordIndex method.
I have tried both and keep getting a -1 returned.
What am i doing wrong?
here is my code:
<HTML> <HEAD> <script>var isomorphicDir="/isomorphic/";</script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js></script> <script src=/isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/load_skin.js></script> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT> var tree = isc.TreeGrid.create({ ID: "employeeTree", width: "*", height: "100%", showResizeBar: "true", showOpenIcons:false, folderIcon:"/isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/images/TreeGrid/folder_closed.png", showDropIcons:false, showConnectors: false, closedIconSuffix:"", fields: [ {name: "Name" }, {name: "id" } ], data: isc.Tree.create({ modelType: "parent", rootValue: "0", nameProperty: "Name", idField: "id", parentIdField: "parentID", data: [ {id:"4", parentID:"0", Name:"Charles Madigen"}, {id:"188", parentID:"4", Name:"Rogine Leger"}, {id:"189", parentID:"4", Name:"Gene Porter"}, {id:"265", parentID:"189", Name:"Olivier Doucet"}, {id:"264", parentID:"189", Name:"Cheryl Pearson"}, {id:"6", parentID:"4", Name: "ABCD", icon: "/isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/images/TreeGrid/folder_closed.png"} ] }) }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "mainlayout", height:"100%", width:"100%", layoutMargin:0, members:[tree, isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "agrid", backgroundColor: "888888", width: "*", fields: [ {name: "c1", title: "ID"}, {name: "c2", title: "Name"}, {name: "c3", title: "Description"} ], data: [ { c1: "abc", c2: "def", c3: "ghi" }, { c1: "dabc", c2: "adef", c3: "bghi" } ] }) ] }) var node ="id", "4"); var newnode = {id:"5", parentID:"4", Name: "eABCD", icon: "/isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/images/TreeGrid/file.png"};, node); var found ="id", "5"); alert(found); alert(; </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>