related datasoure code:
my scenario is just like the official sample named "Master/Detail Add",
I put this two "add" DSrequest in one queue,shown as below:
when queue start, the first "add" DSrequest status is success,
the second "add" DSrequest status is failure
error code quoted:
But i find that the first "add" operaion has been comitted to DataBase with one new record inserted though second DSrequest is fail,
which means this transaciton dose not roll-back .
please help me with this problem,thanks!
<operationBinding operationType="add" > <values fieldName="requestId" value="$responseData.last('requestDS',add).requestId" /> </operationBinding>
my scenario is just like the official sample named "Master/Detail Add",
I put this two "add" DSrequest in one queue,shown as below:
isc.RPCManager.startQueue(); editForm.saveData(); requestItemList.saveAllEdits(); isc.RPCManager.sendQueue();
the second "add" DSrequest status is failure
error code quoted:
Invocation of method 'last' in class com.isomorphic.velocity.ResponseDataHandler threw exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at notProvided[line 1, column 15]
which means this transaciton dose not roll-back .
please help me with this problem,thanks!