I need to translate the "and", "or", "not" operators text shown in the FilterBuilder when the "topOperatorAppearance" parameter is equal to "bracket".
I tried setting the "andTitle"
but it is not working, I still get "and", "or", "not" in the list (see bracketOperators.JPG).
Whereas if I set the "topOperatorAppearance" parameter to "radio", the localization works.
How can I modify the texts ("and, "or", "not") with a "topOperatorAppearance" set to "bracket". ? I cannot use the "radio" appearance.
Thank you
I need to translate the "and", "or", "not" operators text shown in the FilterBuilder when the "topOperatorAppearance" parameter is equal to "bracket".
I tried setting the "andTitle"
Operators.addClassProperties({andTitle: "MyAnd"});
Operators.addClassProperties({andTitle: "MyAnd"}); isc.FilterBuilder.create({ ID: "fBuilder", topOperatorAppearance: "bracket", dataSource: isc.DataSource.create({ fields: [ {name: "field1",title: "Field1", type:"string" } ] }) });
Operators.addClassProperties({andTitle: "MyAnd"}); isc.FilterBuilder.create({ ID: "fBuilder", topOperatorAppearance: "radio", dataSource: isc.DataSource.create({ fields: [ {name: "field1",title: "Field1", type:"string" } ] }) });
Thank you