I am creating a DynamicForm to edit a nested data structure. Every item has a dataPath and a dynamically generated name. (I actually do not need name - without it validation marks all form items as incorrect). However, TextItem behaves strangely here and when I get all form values using getValues() (let's say vals), I get two same values, one vals[textItemName] and one vals[textItemDataPath]. SelectItem publishes its value only under dataPath. I don't know whether this behaviour is correct or not - docs say nothing about it.
By the way, do you plan to install some sort of bug tracker?
I am creating a DynamicForm to edit a nested data structure. Every item has a dataPath and a dynamically generated name. (I actually do not need name - without it validation marks all form items as incorrect). However, TextItem behaves strangely here and when I get all form values using getValues() (let's say vals), I get two same values, one vals[textItemName] and one vals[textItemDataPath]. SelectItem publishes its value only under dataPath. I don't know whether this behaviour is correct or not - docs say nothing about it.
DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form1", items: [ { type: "text", name: "n1", dataPath: "some/path1" }, { type: "select", name: "n2", dataPath: "some/path2", valueMap: [1, 2, 3] } ] }); /* form1.getValues(): { some: { path1: "abc", path2: 3 }, n1: "abc" } */