I added showFilterEditor to an existing working Listgrid, and the listgrid stopped displaying. While debugging using firebug found that, it showed. "Too much recursion" error, is some obfuscated part of javascript.
When I added the dummy field at first, it started displaying the listgrid. Somehow the date was not displayed otherwise. Without the showfiltereditor everything works fine.
What could be the issue? pls help.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "eventList", width: "100%", height: "100%", margin: 1, dataSource:"logevent", showResizeBar: true, showFilterEditor: true, filterOnKeypress: true, fields: [ // {name:"",canEdit: false, width: 1}, {name:"date", type:"date", formatCellValue: function (value) { if (value) { return value.getShortMonthName()+' '+value.getDate()+', '+value.getFullYear(); } } }, {name:"time", title: "Time", type:"time", width: 100, align:"left", timeFormatter: "HH:MM:SS" } ], sortField: "date", sortDirection: "descending", canHover: true, cellHoverHTML : function(record, rowNum, colNum) { return "Select to display details"; } });
What could be the issue? pls help.