When I like to display two rows in a cell, like in the following code the country column:
Then the zebra stripes are not aligned correctly. Please see the attached screen shot.
How can I display multiline content in a grid cell with correct zebra stripes?
Regards Thomas
When I like to display two rows in a cell, like in the following code the country column:
countryData = [ { continent:"North America", countryName:"United States<br>Capitol: Washington, DC", countryCode:"US", area:9631420, population:298444215, gdp:12360.0, independence:new Date(1776,6,4), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Washington, DC", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_states" }, ...
How can I display multiline content in a grid cell with correct zebra stripes?
Regards Thomas