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    HTMLPane concurency issue


    I load multiple/simultaneous IFRAMEs which contain legacy application logic (simple JSP without any JS). I
    use the HTMLPane component to do so but there seems to be a conccurency issue between the IFRAMEs when loading.

    When I look at Firebug's Net/HTML console, I see that both IFRAME's have been loaded using the same URL,
    although my ISC logging shows that my 2 HTMLPane components have been created using 2 distinct URLs ...

    Here's the code extract I use to create my 2 HTMLPane components :

    var baseUrl = this.jspPage + '?tenant=' + MeiContext.tenantName + '&queryId=' + this.queryId;
    var id = this.getHtmlPaneId();
    this.cube = HTMLPane.create
    	ID : id,
    	width : '100%',
    	height : '100%',
    	autoDraw : true,
    	showCustomScrollbars : false,
    	httpMethod : 'GET',
    	contentsType : 'page',
    	contentsURL : baseUrl
    Log.logInfo('MEICubeWrapper HTMLPane.create() - ID: ' +
    	this.ID + ' - contentsURL: ' + this.cube.contentsURL);
    Here's the Log.logInfo output from the ISC console:

    15:50:09.766:XRP2:INFO:Log:MEICubeWrapper HTMLPane.create() - ID: isc_DirectSalesForecastPlan_0 - contentsURL: jpivot-mei-navi.jsp?tenant=Acme&queryId=cube_0_0
    15:50:09.886:XRP3:INFO:Log:MEICubeWrapper HTMLPane.create() - ID: isc_IndirectSalesForecastPlan_0 - contentsURL: jpivot-mei-navi.jsp?tenant=Acme&queryId=cube_1_0
    Here's the output from Firebug's Net/HTML console:

    Could it be that there's some sort of caching in HTMLPane because the JSP page is the same in both
    cases, although the query string is different ?

    Anything else I need to do in order to have multiple HTMLPane components work simultaneously ?

    Thanking you in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,

    That's very strange and we don't see any kind of plausible mechanism for it in the implementation of HTMLFlow, which just writes out an <iframe> tag. Some questions:

    1. If you call getInnerHTML() can you see distinct URLs for the two iframes?

    2. If you use a DOM inspector do you find two separate iframes with two different URLs, or something else?

    3. Have you verified these HTMLPanes are not getting distinct IDs and there are no warnings about colliding IDs in the Developer Console?

    4. Is this consistent for you across browsers?


      Thanks for your reply.

      It turned out that the problem wasn't in the ISC framework at all. The Firebug Net/HTML console was misleading.

      The problem was rather in our JSP servlet filter which issued a client-side redirect to the wrong URL.


