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    I never found the issue tracker, so I ended up adding an ugly hack to the user-extensions file.

    Something like this:
    var isSCLocator = locator && 
                            ((locator.substring(0, "scLocator".length) == "scLocator") ||
                             (locator.substring(0, "scID".length) == "scID")),
            element =;
        if(this.hasSC() && isSCLocator) { ...


      Originally posted by elopio
      I never found the issue tracker, so I ended up adding an ugly hack to the "ug" user-extensions file.
      Hi elopio, could you share your modified user-extension.js or post the whole "ugly hack" to the thread cause right now I can see that you have posted exactly the same code used in regular SmartGWT user-extension?
      My email is
      Thank you!
      Last edited by vbaibus; 5 Apr 2011, 07:49.


        You can find it here:

        The section I posted was added to the type function.
        I never solved the first problem of the getTable function. As we don't use it to access smartclient tables, I just commented it out so it doesn't override the original getTable.
        Last edited by elopio; 5 Apr 2011, 08:09.


          Hi, elopio,

          Which version of smartGWT and selenium you are using?

          I just encounter the same problem.
          I am using selenium1.0.11 and smartGWT2.4
          and I want to record the content TextItem(just the login system).
          However, I got the problem:" [error] Unexpected Exception: message -> invalid array length, fileName ->"

          It waste me a lot of time ....
          I just follow this link""
          But it not work...



            I reply myself.
            I wanted to use auto record to test UI.
            But the recorder didn't use scLocator, so just modify the target to scLocator.
            Mission complete...


              Originally posted by elopio View Post

              I'm having a problem with the getTable function when I have sc user extensions loaded.

              This is a part of the interface that doesn't use smartclient, so I expect it to work just as it does without the user extensions. But with the user extensions it fails.

              I don't really know how to explain this better. Perhaps with code...


              without the user extensions returns the text of the cell in row 0, column 2.

              with user extensions returns an empty string and this warning is sent to console:
              WARNING: getString(getTable) saw a bad result OK

              As I'm not using a scLocator, selenium should be using orig_getTable. But it is clearly not working.

              Any suggestion?

              I tool a look at the user-extensions.js file and it seems the method of locating a table by just its ID is broken. I've patched the getTable method in the extensions file as so:-

              Selenium.prototype.orig_getTable = Selenium.prototype.getTable;
              Selenium.prototype.getTable = function(tableCellAddress) {
               * Gets the text from a cell of a table. The cellAddress syntax
               * tableLocator.row.column, where row and column start at 0.
               * @param tableCellAddress a cell address, e.g. "foo.1.4"
               * @return string the text from the specified cell
                  if(this.hasSC()) {
                      // This regular expression matches "tableName.row.column"
                      // For example, "mytable.3.4"
                      var pattern = /(.*)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
                      if(!pattern.test(tableCellAddress)) {
                          throw new SeleniumError("Invalid target format. Correct format is tableLocator.rowNum.columnNum");
                      var pieces = tableCellAddress.match(pattern);
                      var tableName = pieces[1];
                      var row = pieces[2];
                      var col = pieces[3];
                      var element = this.browserbot.findElement(tableName);
                      var autWindow = this.getAutWindow();
                      var listGrid = autWindow.isc.AutoTest.locateCanvasFromDOMElement(element);
                      if(listGrid == null) {
                          return, tableCellAddress);
                      //the locator can return a GridBody
                      if(listGrid.grid) {
                          listGrid = listGrid.grid;
                      LOG.debug("Found ListGrid " + listGrid.getClassName());
                      var record = listGrid.getRecord(Number(row));
                      LOG.debug("Record for row " + row + " is " + record);
              		if(listGrid.getCellValue) {
              			return listGrid.getCellValue(record, row, col);
              		} else {
              			return, tableCellAddress);
                  } else {
                      return, tableCellAddress);
              and it's working for me now. Basically if the type of object returned from SC doesn't have a getCellValue() method then go and get the table using native methods.
              Last edited by chris.melikian; 14 Nov 2012, 01:52. Reason: code formatting


                OK, we'll update user-extensions.js as suggested. It looks like you (immediately above) posted code from 82, so we'll patch back to SC 8.2.

