I don't know if this is expected behaviour, but I am displaying one vlayout with two layouts as its members. The first is an hlayout with width specified as "100%". The second is a vlayout with a width specified as "768px". Click on the "Show Window" button. The blue layout (width 100%) only takes up half of the width of the parent vlayout. Resize the window ever so slightly. Notice that the blue layout expands to the actual full width of the parent vlayout.
What I am expecting is since the parent vlayout has been resized to fit the vlayout with actual width specified, that the blue layout would conform to this new width and expand to the size of the red layout as soon as the window opens.
What I am expecting is since the parent vlayout has been resized to fit the vlayout with actual width specified, that the blue layout would conform to this new width and expand to the size of the red layout as soon as the window opens.
isc.IButton.create({ ID: "touchButton", width: 120, title: "Touch This" }); isc.Label.create({ left: 150, height: 20, contents: "<a href='http://www.google.com' target='_blank'>Open Google</a>" }); isc.IButton.create({ title: "Show Window", top: 35, left: 75, click : function () { touchButton.setTitle("Can't Touch This"); modalWindow.show(); } }); isc.Window.create({ ID: "modalWindow", title: "Modal Window", autoSize:true, autoCenter: true, isModal: true, showModalMask: true,canDragResize : true, autoDraw: false, closeClick : function () { touchButton.setTitle('Touch This'); this.Super("closeClick", arguments)}, items: [ isc.VLayout.create({ID: "testVLayout", width: "100%", height: 500, autoDraw: false,members:[ isc.HLayout.create({ID: "testLayout", width: "100%", height: 50,backgroundColor:"blue",members:[ isc.Label.create({contents: "Edit Customer Information", wrap: false}) ]}), isc.VLayout.create({ID: "test2", width:768, backgroundColor: "red"}) ] }) ] });