I am trying to get a ListGrid as an embedded CanvasItem with another ListGrid.
The top-level ListGrid looks like this:
When I call startEditingNew() on the top level ListGrid I expected the 'annotationObjects' canvasItem seems to be created automatically. At least I get this message in the Developer's Console.
21:04:55.484:WARN:CanvasItem:isc_CanvasItem_122:CanvasItem: annotationObjects defined with no canvas property - creating a default canvas for this item.
However, the child ListGrid does not appear in the 'annotationObjects' field as expected. Is there something else necessary?
Is this the proper methodology to embed a ListGrid as a field in another ListGrid?
The top-level ListGrid looks like this:
this.list = isc.ListGrid.create({ width: "100%", canEdit: true, canSort: false, cellHeight: 150, dataSource: "annotationEditorDS", fields: [{name: "collectionId"}, {name: "note", width: "*", editorProperties: {cellHeight: 150}}, {name: "annotationObjects", width: 250, canvasConstructor: "ListGrid", canvasProperties: { height: 150, showHeader: false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, dataSource: "collectionMemberDS", recordDropped: function(droppedRecords) { return false; }, fields: [{name: "metatype", width: 100}, {name: "name"}] } }, {name: "created", canEdit: false, width: 80}, {name: "modified", canEdit: false, width: 80} ] });
21:04:55.484:WARN:CanvasItem:isc_CanvasItem_122:CanvasItem: annotationObjects defined with no canvas property - creating a default canvas for this item.
However, the child ListGrid does not appear in the 'annotationObjects' field as expected. Is there something else necessary?
Is this the proper methodology to embed a ListGrid as a field in another ListGrid?