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    Multi-level sort possible bug?


    I am using the smartclient snapshot version of 9-11. When navigating to multi-level sorting feature (http://localhost:8080/isomorphic/system/reference/SmartClient_Explorer.html#multiLevelSortLG), the error message of "The multi-part identifier "supplyItem.itemName" could not be bound." will be prompted.

    Anyone encounter the same issue?



    FYI - This sample works fine for us (testing against the Oct 13th build).

    Best guess there's something odd with your installation -- check for server errors etc?


      I tried against the Oct 13th build but still get the same problem.

      I am running smartclient on SqlServer 2005. In server log you can find the sql statement:

      SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY x.category, supplyItem.itemName DESC) AS rowID FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT supplyItem.nextShipment, supplyItem.itemName, supplyItem.category, supplyItem.itemID, supplyItem.unitCost, supplyItem.SKU, supplyItem.description, supplyItem.inStock, supplyItem.units FROM supplyItem WHERE ('1'='1') ORDER BY supplyItem.category, supplyItem.itemName DESC) x) y WHERE y.rowID BETWEEN 1 AND 76

      It will result in this error message:

      "The multi-part identifier "supplyItem.itemName" could not be bound."

      If we change "supplyItem.itemName" in sql to "x.itemName" like the following statement

      SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY x.category, x.itemName DESC) AS rowID FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT supplyItem.nextShipment, supplyItem.itemName, supplyItem.category, supplyItem.itemID, supplyItem.unitCost, supplyItem.SKU, supplyItem.description, supplyItem.inStock, supplyItem.units FROM supplyItem WHERE ('1'='1') ORDER BY supplyItem.category, supplyItem.itemName DESC) x) y WHERE y.rowID BETWEEN 1 AND 76

      then it works.

      It seems a sql generation problem. Wondering it is working on other DB or should Smartclient fix the sql statement generation code to fix this issue?



