I have a ListGrid with a modified getCellCSSText function, to change some rows to a red highlight based on certain criteria. AutoFetchData is false.
Here's the function
However, when startEditingNew() is called to add a new row, before it even draws the blank row to enter data, I get the following error, and the blank row is never presented:
After that, the listGrid refetches its data.
How I can tell the listGrid not to call getCellCSSText when startEditingNew is called?
Here's the function
getCellCSSText: function (record, rowNum, colNum) { if (record.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID == "") { return "font-color : red;"; } else { return "font-color : black;"; } }
record has no properties if (record.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID ==""){
How I can tell the listGrid not to call getCellCSSText when startEditingNew is called?