I am testing hstack layout alignment: centered - I want the children to appear in the center of the hstack parent. The code below shows an example of an hstack with another hstack as a child - this works. But when I have a custom image as a child it is not centered on the vertical axis, just the horizontal axis. What am I missing?
Note that if I use a regular ImageButton, the centering works.
HStack with Hstack as child (works)
Hstack with image as child
Note that if I use a regular ImageButton, the centering works.
HStack with Hstack as child (works)
isc.HStack.create({ width: "100%", backgroundColor:"black", height: "100%", align:"center", defaultLayoutAlign:"center", members : [ isc.HStack.create({ID: "test2", backgroundColor: "white", width: 100,height:200}) ] });
isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwImageItem", "CanvasItem"); isc.CwImageItem.addProperties({ init:function () { this.canvas = isc.ImgButton.create({ showTitle: this.showTitle, src:this.src, cwImageID: this.cwImageID, width:this.width, height:this.height, form: this.form, autoFit: this.autoFit, showRollOver: this.showRollOver, showDown: this.showDown, overflow: "visible", canFocus: this.canFocus, imageType: this.imageType, click: this.click, cwUserUrl: this.cwUserUrl, visibility: this.visibility, baseStyle: this.baseStyle, auditor: this.auditor }); return this.Super("init", arguments); } }); isc.HStack.create({ width: "100%",backgroundColor:"black", height: "100%", align:"center",defaultLayoutAlign:"center", members : [ isc.DynamicForm.create({align: "center", ID: "imgButton", fields:[{_constructor:"CwImageItem", ID: "testImage",src: "icons/16/icon_add_files.png"}] }) ] });