Smartclient 7.0rc2
Depends on the browser as to the error reported, but using FF it says 'too much recursion' in ISC_DataBinding.js Line 73
To re-create the error, right-click on any of the columns in the upper listgrid and 'group by', then expand a row and drag it to the lower listgrid et voila.
Dragging the row without grouping works perfectly to and from either listgrid.
Each ListGrids is bound to a clientOnly DataSource because of a design constraint.
Without the local datasources, there is no problem with grouped dragging from one listgrid to the other:
Depends on the browser as to the error reported, but using FF it says 'too much recursion' in ISC_DataBinding.js Line 73
To re-create the error, right-click on any of the columns in the upper listgrid and 'group by', then expand a row and drag it to the lower listgrid et voila.
Dragging the row without grouping works perfectly to and from either listgrid.
Each ListGrids is bound to a clientOnly DataSource because of a design constraint.
isc.setAutoDraw(false); countryData = [ { continent:"North America", countryName:"United States", countryCode:"US", area:9631420, population:298444215, gdp:12360.0, independence:new Date(1776,6,4), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Washington, DC", member_g8:true, article:"" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"China", countryCode:"CH", area:9596960, population:1313973713, gdp:8859.0, government:"Communist state", government_desc:0, capital:"Beijing", member_g8:false, article:"" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"Japan", countryCode:"JA", area:377835, population:127463611, gdp:4018.0, government:"constitutional monarchy with parliamentary government", government_desc:1, capital:"Tokyo", member_g8:true, article:"" } ] isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "countryDS", fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Code",primaryKey:true}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"} ], clientOnly: true, testData: countryData }) isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "outDS", fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Code",primaryKey:true}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"} ], clientOnly: true }) isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, showAllRecords:true, dataSource: countryDS, autoFetchData: true, canDragRecordsOut: true, canEdit:false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, showAllRecords:true, dragDataAction: "move" }) isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryOutList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, showAllRecords:true, dataSource: outDS, autoFetchData: true, canDragRecordsOut: true, canEdit:false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, showAllRecords:true, dragDataAction: "move" }) isc.VLayout.create({ members:[ countryList, countryOutList ], ID:"mainLayout", width:"70%", height:525, position: "relative", autoDraw: true })
isc.setAutoDraw(false); countryData = [ { continent:"North America", countryName:"United States", countryCode:"US", area:9631420, population:298444215, gdp:12360.0, independence:new Date(1776,6,4), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Washington, DC", member_g8:true, article:"" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"China", countryCode:"CH", area:9596960, population:1313973713, gdp:8859.0, government:"Communist state", government_desc:0, capital:"Beijing", member_g8:false, article:"" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"Japan", countryCode:"JA", area:377835, population:127463611, gdp:4018.0, government:"constitutional monarchy with parliamentary government", government_desc:1, capital:"Tokyo", member_g8:true, article:"" } ] isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, showAllRecords:true, fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Code",primaryKey:true}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"} ], data:countryData, canDragRecordsOut: true, canEdit:false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, showAllRecords:true, dragDataAction: "move" }) isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryOutList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, showAllRecords:true, fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Code",primaryKey:true}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital"} ], canDragRecordsOut: true, canEdit:false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, showAllRecords:true, dragDataAction: "move" }) isc.VLayout.create({ members:[ countryList, countryOutList ], ID:"mainLayout", width:"70%", height:525, position: "relative", autoDraw: true })