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    ListGrid: mark and select, combining single and multiple selection

    The ListGrid supports single as well as multiple selection. Now what I would like is more a combination of both:
    1) the multiple selection (with checkboxes) is used to mark records for an action (delete for example)
    2) the single select should colour a row and is used to display related information in a separate canvas

    Is there an easy/standard way of doing this? Are there examples somewhere of the combination of single and multiple selection in the ListGrid (I checked the source code but it was not directly clear for me).

    gr. Martin

    The easiest way to achieve this would be:
    - set the 'selectionAppearance' to 'checkbox'. This will give you multiple selection using checkboxes for deleting multiple records, etc.

    - use some arbitrary record property for your other notion of "selection" - for example record.isShowingDetail.
    Make this visible to the user by overriding 'getBaseStyle()' or 'getCellCSSText()' to highlight any records where this property is set to true.

    You can then set (and clear) this property on specific records in response to user interaction (recordClick or whatever) at the same time as showing the record detail in another component.


      We are having this issue as well and thanks for the suggestion. How can we detect that a record is "deselected" by Ctrl+Click so that we clear the custom selection property?




