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    ListGridField link type

    The href for my link field is a file url (c:/data/myfile.html). The link url displays properly in the browser toolbar as (file:///c:/data/myfile.html) when I hover over it the ListGrid, but the link is not followed when I click on it. I checked to make sure the file is in the proper location.

    Is there something else I need to check?


    What browsers? Does it differ by browser?

    What if you paste the URL into the location bar?


      IE 8 and Firefox. The link is not active in either browser.

      I can paste the URL into the browser in both cases.


        We suspect here that a web application (as in, accessed at some domain rather than from a file:// URL) may not be allowed to create a link to a local file, as a security constraint. Have you checked on this with a plain .html file?

