I am using the nightly build (3 days old) of SmartGWTEE.
I wanted to use the groupBy feature of the ListGrid to group items by their type. My records contain a typeId, but I want to show the typeName. The example below shows the issue and I attach a screenshot.
What I had hoped was that groupBy would use the displayField, but the group title ignores this. In the screenshot, I expected the group to be the typeName "Value" not "100".
I wanted to use the groupBy feature of the ListGrid to group items by their type. My records contain a typeId, but I want to show the typeName. The example below shows the issue and I attach a screenshot.
What I had hoped was that groupBy would use the displayField, but the group title ignores this. In the screenshot, I expected the group to be the typeName "Value" not "100".
DataSource ds = new DataSource(); ds.setID("ds"); DataSource ds2 = new DataSource(); ds2.setID("ds2"); { DataSourceTextField keyField = new DataSourceTextField("key"); keyField.setPrimaryKey(true); DataSourceTextField valueField = new DataSourceTextField("value"); ds2.addField(keyField); ds2.addField(valueField); ds2.setClientOnly(true); Record testRecord = new ListGridRecord(); testRecord.setAttribute("key2", "100"); testRecord.setAttribute("value", "Value"); ds2.setTestData(new Record[] { testRecord }); } { DataSourceTextField keyField = new DataSourceTextField("key"); keyField.setPrimaryKey(true); DataSourceTextField valueField = new DataSourceTextField("key2"); valueField.setForeignKey(ds.getID() + ".key2"); ds.addField(keyField); ds.addField(valueField); ds.setClientOnly(true); Record testRecord = new ListGridRecord(); testRecord.setAttribute("key", "1"); testRecord.setAttribute("key2", "100"); ds.setTestData(new Record[] { testRecord }); } ListGrid grid = new ListGrid(); grid.setDataSource(ds); grid.setAutoFetchData(true); ListGridField key2Field = new ListGridField("key2"); key2Field.setDisplayField("value"); key2Field.setOptionDataSource(ds2); grid.setFields(new ListGridField("key"), key2Field); grid.setGroupByField("key2"); setSize("100%", "100%"); addChild(grid);