I am opening a new window, which contains a treegrid on the left and a set of tabs on the right organized in a HLayout. When a leaf tree node is selected on the left, some html text is displayed in a new tab within the TabSet. I am having two problems. I cannot close the root node in the treegrid on the left, and I cannot switch between tabs or close tabs on the right... here is a code snippet of how I open a new window and create the various components. Any help is appreciated.
Here is the code that opens the HLayout
Here is the tree grid:
Here is the code that creates the TabSet.
and finally here is the code that opens a new window.
I am opening a new window, which contains a treegrid on the left and a set of tabs on the right organized in a HLayout. When a leaf tree node is selected on the left, some html text is displayed in a new tab within the TabSet. I am having two problems. I cannot close the root node in the treegrid on the left, and I cannot switch between tabs or close tabs on the right... here is a code snippet of how I open a new window and create the various components. Any help is appreciated.
Here is the code that opens the HLayout
HLayout resultsPanel = new HLayout(); resultsPanel.setWidth100(); resultsPanel.setHeight100(); resultsPanel.setShowEdges(true); resultsPanel.setMembersMargin(5); resultsPanel.setLayoutMargin(20);
/* Now create a TreeGrid object */ TreeGrid treeGrid = new TreeGrid(); /*treeGrid.setWidth(300); treeGrid.setHeight(400);*/ TreeGridField field = new TreeGridField("Name", "Paths"); field.setCanSort(true); //field.setCanFilter(true); treeGrid.setFields(field); treeGrid.setData(tree); treeGrid.setShowAllRecords(true); treeGrid.setLoadDataOnDemand(false); treeGrid.setWidth("10%"); treeGrid.setShowResizeBar(true); resultsPanel.addMember(treeGrid);
/* make the main tabs where the results are displayed */ final TabSet pathTabs = new TabSet(); pathTabs.setTabBarPosition(Side.TOP); pathTabs.setTabBarAlign(Side.LEFT); pathTabs.setHeight100(); resultsPanel.addMember(pathTabs);
final Window win = new Window(); /* make it modal, disable minimize and close buttons */ win.setShowMinimizeButton(true); win.setShowCloseButton(true); win.setAutoSize(true); win.setAutoCenter(true); win.setCanDragReposition(true); win.setCanDragResize(true); win.setWidth(1200); win.setHeight(800); win.setTitle("Paths"); win.addChild(resultsPanel); win.show();