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    Problem with calendar

    I'm currently using SmartClient_SC_SNAPSHOT-2010-12-27 but have also tried this with SmartClient_70rc2_LGPL. My problem is with a data source that communicates with a server in XML to store and retrieve dates for a Calendar. I can add the initial date and it posts to the server and retrieves and displays it again without any issues. When I add the second calendar entry, the blue box that represents the calendar event shows in the upper left of the calendar with "Untitled Window". If I refresh the page, both entries are retrieved from the server and it shows up ok. I don't see any errors in firebugs error console or in the SmartClient developer console.

    This is my datasource and calendar:
    	ID: "customerCalendarDS",
    	        {name:"id", primaryKey: true, type: "sequence"},
    	        {name:"startDate", type: "datetime", valueXPath: "timeInterval/start"},
    	        {name:"endDate", type: "datetime", valueXPath: "timeInterval/end"}
    		{operationType:"fetch", dataProtocol: "getParams", dataURL:"events"},
    		{operationType:"add", dataProtocol: "postXML", dataURL:"events"},
    		{operationType:"update", dataProtocol: "postXML", dataURL:"events", requestProperties:{httpMethod:"PUT"}},
    		{operationType:"remove", dataProtocol: "postParams", dataURL:"events", requestProperties:{httpMethod:"DELETE"}}
    	transformRequest : function (dsRequest) {
        	var data = this.Super('transformRequest', arguments);
        	//What the server wants for an "interval" is something like:
        	//   <timeInterval>
        	//       <start>xxxx</start>
        	//       <end>xxxx</end>
        	//   </timeInterval>
            if (dsRequest.operationType == "add" || dsRequest.operationType == "update") {
            	//save our dates
            	var startStr = data["startDate"].toXStreamString();
            	var endStr = data["endDate"].toXStreamString();
            	//delete them from the data
            	delete data.startDate;
            	delete data.endDate;
            	//add back the format we want
            	data.timeInterval =  {};
            	data.timeInterval.start = startStr;
            	data.timeInterval.end = endStr;
            else if(dsRequest.operationType == "remove"){
            	//instead of passing an id=2 param just pass /2
            	//NOT WORKING...
            	dsRequest.actionURL = data["id"];
            return data;
        ID: "customerCalendar", 
        width : "50%",
        showResizeBar: "true",
        minWidth: "400",
        dataSource: customerCalendarDS, 
        autoFetchData: true,
        dateChanged : function () {

    any ideas what the problem could be?

    so I decided I should read the docs instead of just skim them :)

    My server was orginally JSP, then converted to REST so the "create" was redirecting to return the list of items again. I changed it to be ajax/SmartClient friendly and return the created item and it's working great.


      Haaa! The docs are your friend! But so are the forums... your posted code helped me to realize that SC doesn't automatically add a valueXPath value just because you set the startDateField and endDateField. So, thanks for sharing your code!!

