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    TextArea in Editable Grid, what is the best/nicest approach?

    What is the best way or is there a way to do different textarea visualization in the edit row of a grid, for example:
    - to only have 2 lines in the textarea (is this possible)
    - to have a textarea of 1 line with an icon to show a popup to edit it or a button to extend it

    Or what is the experience/advice of Isomorphic on textarea's in edit grids?

    gr. Martin

    I was wondering if someone has an idea/advice on this topic?


    gr. Martin


      The default behavior for a long text field pops-up a TextArea that does not expand the row. We consider this (the default behavior) the best approach.


        hmm, I have a type with a TextAreaItem as the editor type and when I use that the row expand. I see the same in the Smartclient examples:
        For example when I set this
        {name:"continent", editorType: 'TextAreaItem'},
        in this example:

        I see a text area which expands the row. How can I enable this popup which does not expand the row?

        gr. Martin


          The default editorType for a long text field is "PopUpTextAreaItem".


            Great, that works fine!


            gr. Martin


              Hmm, one thing I noticed is that when I set popUpOnEnter that when tabbing through the fields of a row that the tab does not jump to the next field (after the popup editor). I set this on the grid field:

              {name:"continent", editorType: 'PopUpTextArea', editorProperties: {'popUpOnEnter': true}},

              Is this something I need to set differently?

              gr. Martin


                That's not a documented or supported property.

                What precisely are you trying to achieve?


                  See the example I mention two posts above. i start by editing the row by clicking in the first column, change it then tab to the next column. The popup text area nicely pops up, then I tab out of the popup text area.

                  It correctly goes away, but the tab does not put me in the next field in the row but somewhere else.

                  I tested both on chrome and firefox. I tested both the 7 as well as the 8 version (nightly build of 11th of Jan.).

                  I want to be able to edit/tab through the cells of a row also with a popup text area, so that when tabbing out of the popup text area the focus goes to the next cell in the edit row.

                  gr. Martin


                    We're not seeing the described effect. If the only change made to the sample is to specify editorType:"PopUpTextAreaItem", tabbing forward or backward through this field goes to the next editable field, as expected.

                    Let us know exactly what changes you made (again - setting popUpOnEnter is not a documented property, so this would not be valid), what browser you're testing in, and what the behavior you're seeing is.


                      The steps without popuponenter:
                      - In the example above I change the editorType (so don't set the popup on enter)
                      - then I click with the mouse in the first column and tab, the focus goes to the icon of the popup
                      - I open the popup editor by clicking on the icon, the content gets selected
                      - I press the tab key, the focus does not go to the next field

                      So when I press tab from an opened popup editor I would expect that the focus goes to the next column but with me it does not.

                      gr. Martin


                        Still not seeing the behavior you describe, in that specific example, with editorType:"PopUpTextAreaItem" added specifically to the countryName and no other changes applied.

                        As expected, clicking on the cell pops open the text area immediately (regardless of whether you click the icon or the text itself). Tab or Shift-Tab go to the next or previous editable field, regardless of how the field is entered.

                        If you're still having trouble, try this in a completely unmodified SDK from multiple machines, and let us know exact versions (browser, SDK, OS, etc) where you do and don't see the issue.

