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    Comprehensive IDE support by complete API description, e.g. in XML format

    I would like to have uptodate code insight/assist for the complete SmartClient API. Are there documents available - e.g. in XML format - which describe SmartClient's API more or less completely ? I have read several threads handling Eclipse/Aptana support, but I couldn't find the mentioned file "".

    There is an internal file smartclientSDK/isomorphic/system/reference/referenceDocs.xml, with a format that should be pretty self-explanatory. If you are able to get an editor to do code assist based on this file, please share your approach! Thanks


      I have just revisited this thread today; since I have not yet played around with SmartClient seriously, I have not spent any further research efforts into IDE support and therefore cannot share insights ... But maybe other SmartClient users can ?


        Code assist is here! Check out the blog.


          In case anyone is having difficulty getting the plugin working, please recheck the blog ( - we've posted a couple of troubleshooting tips.

          We'd also like to encourage everyone who tries out the plugin to post feedback in the blog comments - successes, failures, tips for working around installation or usage problems, improvement suggestions, just your feedback generally.


            I played around a bit with the plug in and found that it was pretty limited. Seems not to work well at all if you working in the JSP environment. Also tried to use it with the XML programming and found it to provide no useful value there.

            One of the things that bother me as I evaluate SmartClient is that the tool integration for someone developing using both JS and XML seems to be rather weak.

            Also, I am not too keen on a plug in for a product that is a plug in for another product. Aptana->Eclipse. To me this feels like it would be heavy weight.

            What I was hoping for was an environment that provides code completion. Syntex highlighting. Help on filling in tag attributes if you use XML coding. Context Sensitive help etc.

            I did not get the feel when I spent an afternoon using the plug in with Aptana. Aptana also seemed to not be too JSP friendly.


              The best way to use SmartClient in general (not just with Aptana) is to keep your JavaScript out of your .jsps. Put JavaScript into .jsp files defeats caching, is slower in the development cycle, and scales poorly. See the SmartClient Architecture for details.

              Aptana being a plugin to Eclipse does not make it more heavy weight than Eclipse itself (factual, not speculative).

              Aptana provides syntax hiliting and limited code completion for SmartClient JavaScript code. It's pretty much the state of the art for tooling for JavaScript. If further IDE-based tooling features are more important to you than the compactness and directness of using JavaScript, use SmartGWT instead.


                Originally posted by Isomorphic
                The best way to use SmartClient in general (not just with Aptana) is to keep your JavaScript out of your .jsps. Put JavaScript into .jsp files defeats caching, is slower in the development cycle, and scales poorly. See the SmartClient Architecture for details.
                I agree and definitely would have the majority of the code in JS, but I also see a big benefit of using the XML markup combined with the JS (for maintainability) and when I was trying this out I seem to lose a lot of the benefits an smart IDE environment provides.

                Originally posted by Isomorphic
                Aptana being a plugin to Eclipse does not make it more heavy weight than Eclipse itself (factual, not speculative).
                Hmmm so taking a plug in and adding it to an IDE does not add any overhead? Interesting. I would expect some level of overhead in the plug in and given it is taking one IDE and putting it into another I would expect it to be fairly large.

                Originally posted by Isomorphic
                Aptana provides syntax hiliting and limited code completion for SmartClient JavaScript code. It's pretty much the state of the art for tooling for JavaScript. If further IDE-based tooling features are more important to you than the compactness and directness of using JavaScript, use SmartGWT instead.
                IS there something that going the Aptana Plug in to Eclipse offers over the standard Aptana only offers.


                  Hmmm so taking a plug in and adding it to an IDE does not add any overhead? Interesting. I would expect some level of overhead in the plug in and given it is taking one IDE and putting it into another I would expect it to be fairly large.
                  You'd have to look at the code structure to get the full picture, but in a nutshell, Aptana is not calling down to Eclipse to get all of it's work done, but using Java directly. So it's not running "on top of" Eclipse in the usual sense of a stack of layers that potentially add progressively greatly overhead.

                  Or put another way, almost all of the functionality you see within Eclipse is a "plugin" to the same degree that Aptana is.

                  IS there something that going the Aptana Plug in to Eclipse offers over the standard Aptana only offers.
                  Yes - the ability to use other Eclipse-based tools in the same environment.


                    Is the latest code assist to be found here ?

                    Or is an update for the latest SC version available ?


                      What are the latest recommendations for SmartClient Development Assist ?


                        I recently started working with SmartClient and have been using PHPStorm as my IDE. It has excellent JS support and supports code completion.


                          So do You have SmartClient Code Assist/Completion/Insight for the latest version 8 ? And if yes: How do You accomplish it ? And what about other IDEs like netBeans ?


                            Hi! I have tried the code assist instructions from Smartclient blog


                            with Aptana 3.4.2 eclipse plugin and I have trouble finding "References" view.

                            If anyone is using SmartClient code assist plugin

                            with the latest Aptana eclipse plugin, please reply
                            - where did you put the plugin? (I am assuming Ecliplse plugin folder)
                            - What else needs to be done? (If Global References needs to be updated then how to find them?)

