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    Is there a way to extend method SimpleType.addTypeDefaults to include other attributes that should be copied from SimpleType to DataSourceField and ListGridField?

    I can think of width, length, required, nullReplacementValue, canGroupBy...

    My proposition is to add method addTypeDefaults(field, ds) to instances of SimpleType.
    This method (if it would be defined) could be call in SimpleType.addTypeDefaults to add some type-specific defaults.

    This way one can easly extend SimpleType even with inhertiance.

       addTypeDefaults : function (field, ds) {
            if (field == null || field._typeDefaultsAdded) return;
            field._typeDefaultsAdded = true; // should only ever happen once per field
            // get the type definition, looking for locally defined type if a DataSource is passed
            // in
            var type = this.getType(field.type, ds);
            if (type == null) return;
            // hang the type definition itself on the field, since when formatters are called, they
            // need to be invoked on the type
            field._simpleType = type;
            // add the valueMap to the field
            if (field.valueMap == null) {
                var valueMap = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "valueMap", ds);
                if (valueMap != null) type.valueMap = field.valueMap = valueMap;
            if (field.editorType == null) {
                var editorType = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "editorType", ds);
                if (editorType != null) type.editorType = field.editorType = editorType;
            // add formatters / parsers
            var formatter = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "shortDisplayFormatter", ds)
            if (formatter != null) type.shortDisplayFormatter = field._shortDisplayFormatter = formatter;
            var formatter = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "normalDisplayFormatter", ds)
            if (formatter != null) type.normalDisplayFormatter = field._normalDisplayFormatter = formatter;
            // these aren't documented yet because they only get called by inline editing, not
            // normal forms
            var formatter = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "editFormatter", ds)
            if (formatter != null) type.editFormatter = field._editFormatter = formatter;
            var parser = this.getInheritedProperty(type, "parseInput", ds)
            if (parser != null) type.parseInput = field._parseInput = parser;
            // add validators
            var typeValidators = this.getValidators(type, ds);
            if (typeValidators != null) { // CHANGE: this is changed to skip "return"
              if (!field.validators) {
                  field.validators = typeValidators;
              } else {
                  // there are both field validators and type validators
                  if (!isc.isAn.Array(field.validators)) field.validators = [field.validators];
            } // CHANGE: this is changed to skip "return"
            // CHANGE: this is added
            if(typeof type.addTypeDefaults == "function") {
              type.addTypeDefaults(field, ds);

