Can someone help me with the upgrade to the version of SmartClient 8.0? I experience problems with the code, which works for the SmartClient 7.0rc2.
When calling the method get_vendor_list, there is the error message from smartclient 8.0:
"headerData passed for SOAP header partName: auth_info, no schema available, not outputting"
Here are the links to the files:
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
When calling the method get_vendor_list, there is the error message from smartclient 8.0:
"headerData passed for SOAP header partName: auth_info, no schema available, not outputting"
<& /localz/localize.comp:.load, files=>['globals.xml', 'main.xml'], lang=>$ph->{language} &> <&| /localz/localize.comp &> <head> <SCRIPT>var isomorphicDir="../isomorphic8/";</SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_Core.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/skins/fleet/load_skin.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="../isomorphic8/system/development/ISC_FileLoader.js?isc_version=7.0RC.js"></SCRIPT> </head> <body> <& /top-table.html, ScreenName => 'Call Monitor', ph => $ph, ScreenNameParams => { name => $m->scomp('/core.mcomp:.longname') } &> <script> isc.RPCManager.useHttpProxy = false; isc.showPrompt("Loading Call Monitor..."); isc.defineClass("CallMon").addProperties({ services: { Customer: null, Callmon: null } , detailGrids: [] , session_id: undefined , init: function() { isc.XMLTools.loadXMLSchema("<% $https_url %>wsdl/Types.xsd",{ target: this, methodName: "wsdlCB" }); isc.XMLTools.loadXMLSchema("<% $https_url %>wsdl/Types_ls.xsd"); } , wsdlCB: function() { if (this.loading) {[this.loading] = isc.WebService.get(""+this.loading); if ([this.loading] == null) { isc.showPrompt("Failed to load service ("+this.loading+")!"); return; } } for (this.loading in { if ([this.loading] == null) { isc.XMLTools.loadWSDL("<% $https_url %>wsdl/"+this.loading+"AdminService.wsdl",{ target: this, methodName: "wsdlCB" }); return; } } this.session_id = unescape(document.cookie.match("(^| )SID=([^;]*)")[2]); this.console_show(); isc.clearPrompt(); } , console_show: function() { var _this = this; for (service in {[service].getHeaderData = function(_) { return { auth_info: { session_id: _this.session_id } }; }; }; isc.DataSource.create({ id: "vendorList", serviceNamespace: "", dataURL: "<% $https_url %>soap/", dataProtocol: "soap", fields: [ {name: "i_vendor", primaryKey: true}, {name: "name"} ], operationBindings: [ { operationType: "fetch", wsOperation: "get_vendor_list", recordName: "VendorInfo", requestProperties: {httpMethod: "POST"}, recordXPath: "//srv:item", xmlNamespaces: {srv: "<% $http_url %>Porta/SOAP/Callmon"}} ] }); isc.HLayout.create({ height: "100%" , width: "100%" , members: [ isc.VLayout.create({ width: "20%", height: "100%" , membersMargin: 20 , members: [ isc.ListGrid.create({ canPickFields: false , showAllRecords: true , autoFetchData: true , dataProperties: { fetchMode:"local" } , selectionAppearance:"checkbox" , selectionType: "simple" , sortFieldNum: 0 , dataSource: vendorList , fields: [ {name:"name", title:"Name"} , {name:"i_vendor", showIf:"false", width: 55} ] }) ] }) ] }); } }); var callmon = isc.CallMon.create(); </script> </body> </&> <%args> $ph $no_pass_change_alert => undef </%args> <%init> use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI; my $https_url = $cgi->url(-base => 1)."/"; my $http_url = $https_url; $http_url =~ s/^https:/http:/; </%init>
Please let me know if you need any additional information.