I have searched without success to find which method should be used to apply the sort on the server (ie while generating the data to send to the ListGrid).
In SmartClient 7, I used the method "sortData" of the "ListGrid" to do that.
In SmartClient 8, it appears that this method is no longer used for multiple sorts.
Can you tell me which method I should use in SmartClient 8 ?
Thank you
I have searched without success to find which method should be used to apply the sort on the server (ie while generating the data to send to the ListGrid).
In SmartClient 7, I used the method "sortData" of the "ListGrid" to do that.
In SmartClient 8, it appears that this method is no longer used for multiple sorts.
Can you tell me which method I should use in SmartClient 8 ?
Thank you