I'd like to update the source to the official 8.0 release but am wondering if it is worth looking into the nightly builds. Is there a list of fixes that have been made since the release?
No announcement yet.
I found a weird behaviour in the hoverComponent feature - hover over one row and allow the hover component to show. Now move your mouse so that it is hovering over the empty part of the table body. You'll notice the hover component shows again even though the mouse pointer is not on top of the last row (though it clearly shows the hover ON the last row). Is this intended behaviour? Seems odd. I've attached a screenshot of this.
I'm using the following sample if you want the data
Code:isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:500, height:500, alternateRecordStyles:true, data: countryData, fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:50, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", imageURLSuffix:".png"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country"}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital", showIf:"false"}, {name:"continent", title:"Continent"} ], canReorderFields: true, canHover: true, showHover: true, // allow hoverComponents showHoverComponents: true, // override the builtin getCellHoverComponent() method so we can return a component of our // choosing - in this case, create a DetailViewer, populate it with the entire record from // the server and return it for display hoverMode: "details" }) isc.IButton.create({ left:0, top:240, title:"Show Capitals", click:"countryList.showField('capital')" }) isc.IButton.create({ left:120, top:240, title:"Hide Capitals", click:"countryList.hideField('capital')" })
I would like to be able to use the built-in hoverMode "details" to show column data not already shown on the listgrid, but is there any way to mark a column to NOT be included in the detailViewer? We have a primary key as part of the data sent which we never show to the user but it gets displayed as part of the detailViewer. I tried using "detail" property of a DataSourceField but it was still showing "Country" in hover detail.
listgrid code:
Code:isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:500, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: countryDS, autoFetchData: true, showHoverComponents: true,canHover: true, hoverMode: "details" })
Code:isc.DataSource.create({ ID: "countryDS", fields:[ {name:"countryName", title:"Country", detail: false}, {name:"countryCode", title:"Code"}, {name:"independence", title:"Independence", type:"date"}, {name:"population", title:"Population", type:"integer"}, {name:"gdp", title:"GDP ($B)", type:"float"} ], clientOnly: true, testData: countryData })
Code:countryData = [ { continent:"North America", countryName:"United States", countryCode:"US", area:9631420, population:298444215, gdp:12360.0, independence:new Date(1776,6,4), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Washington, DC", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_states" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"China", countryCode:"CH", area:9596960, population:1313973713, gdp:8859.0, government:"Communist state", government_desc:0, capital:"Beijing", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"Japan", countryCode:"JA", area:377835, population:127463611, gdp:4018.0, government:"constitutional monarchy with parliamentary government", government_desc:1, capital:"Tokyo", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"India", countryCode:"IN", area:3287590, population:1095351995, gdp:3611.0, independence:new Date(1947,7,15), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"New Delhi", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India" }, { continent:"Europe", countryName:"Germany", countryCode:"GM", area:357021, population:82422299, gdp:2504.0, independence:new Date(1871,0,18), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Berlin", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany" }, { continent:"Europe", countryName:"United Kingdom", countryCode:"UK", area:244820, population:60609153, gdp:1830.0, independence:new Date(1801,0,1), government:"constitutional monarchy", government_desc:1, capital:"London", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_kingdom" }, { continent:"Europe", countryName:"France", countryCode:"FR", area:547030, population:60876136, gdp:1816.0, government:"republic", government_desc:5, capital:"Paris", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France" }, { continent:"Europe", countryName:"Italy", countryCode:"IT", area:301230, population:58133509, gdp:1698.0, independence:new Date(1861,2,17), government:"republic", government_desc:5, capital:"Rome", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"Russia", countryCode:"RS", area:17075200, population:142893540, gdp:1589.0, independence:new Date(1991,7,24), government:"federation", government_desc:3, capital:"Moscow", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia" }, { continent:"South America", countryName:"Brazil", countryCode:"BR", area:8511965, population:188078227, gdp:1556.0, independence:new Date(1822,8,7), government:"federative republic", government_desc:3, capital:"Brasilia", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil" }, { continent:"North America", countryName:"Canada", countryCode:"CA", area:9984670, population:33098932, gdp:1114.0, independence:new Date(1867,6,1), government:"constitutional monarchy with parliamentary democracy and federation", government_desc:1, capital:"Ottawa", member_g8:true, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada" }, { continent:"North America", countryName:"Mexico", countryCode:"MX", area:1972550, population:107449525, gdp:1067.0, independence:new Date(1810,8,16), government:"federal republic", government_desc:2, capital:"Mexico (Distrito Federal)", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico" }, { continent:"Europe", countryName:"Spain", countryCode:"SP", area:504782, population:40397842, gdp:1029.0, independence:new Date(1492,0,1), government:"parliamentary monarchy", government_desc:4, capital:"Madrid", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"South Korea", countryCode:"KS", area:98480, population:48846823, gdp:965.3, independence:new Date(1945,7,15), government:"republic", government_desc:5, capital:"Seoul", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_korea" }, { continent:"Asia", countryName:"Indonesia", countryCode:"ID", area:1919440, population:245452739, gdp:865.6, independence:new Date(1945,7,17), government:"republic", government_desc:5, capital:"Jakarta", member_g8:false, article:"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia" } ]
Last edited by acarur01; 28 Mar 2011, 08:24.
There are 2 issues here
1) The hover component showing up for the last row when hovering over the space below the last row - Agreed that this is slightly unexpected and it's actually something that we've changed since 8.0 and will be present in the 8.01 release.
2) If you specify a field as hidden=true it won't show up in any client-side components unless explicitly included in your code. This is normally what we recommend for primaryKey fields or other internal fields intended never to be displayed to the user.
Build from March 30th
There is another minor (maybe even trivial) issue with hoverMode detail. If I hover over the row at the bottom of the visible data, the detail viewer is shown above - which is great, this isn't so in the release - BUT it is shown way above from where my mouse cursor is or the row. I've attached a screenshot of this.
I used the /SmartClient_Explorer.html#hoverDetails sample
Code:isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "itemList", width:500, height:800, alternateRecordStyles:true, // use the supplyItemWithOps dataSource and use it's "outputsLimitedFetch" operation. // this demonstrates using "outputs" on an operationBinding to forcibly limit the data // retrieved for each row dataSource: supplyItemWithOps, fetchOperation: "outputsLimitedFetch", autoFetchData: true, fields: [ {name: "itemName"}, {name: "SKU"}, {name: "category"} ], // allow Hovers canHover: true, showHover: true, // allow hoverComponents showHoverComponents: true, // override the builtin getCellHoverComponent() method so we can return a component of our // choosing - in this case, create a DetailViewer, populate it with the entire record from // the server and return it for display hoverMode: "details" });
Code:<DataSource ID="supplyItemWithOps" serverType="sql" tableName="supplyItem" titleField="itemName" testFileName="/examples/shared/ds/test_data/supplyItem.data.xml" dbImportFileName="/examples/shared/ds/test_data/supplyItemLarge.data.xml" > <fields> <field name="itemID" type="sequence" hidden="true" primaryKey="true"/> <field name="itemName" type="text" title="Item" length="128" required="true" /> <field name="SKU" type="text" title="SKU" length="10" required="true"/> <field name="description" type="text" title="Description" length="2000"/> <field name="category" type="text" title="Category" length="128" required="true" foreignKey="supplyCategory.categoryName"/> <field name="units" type="enum" title="Units" length="5"> <valueMap> <value>Roll</value> <value>Ea</value> <value>Pkt</value> <value>Set</value> <value>Tube</value> <value>Pad</value> <value>Ream</value> <value>Tin</value> <value>Bag</value> <value>Ctn</value> <value>Box</value> </valueMap> </field> <field name="unitCost" type="float" title="Unit Cost" required="true"> <validators> <validator type="floatRange" min="0" errorMessage="Please enter a valid (positive) cost"/> <validator type="floatPrecision" precision="2" errorMessage="The maximum allowed precision is 2"/> </validators> </field> <field name="inStock" type="boolean" title="In Stock"/> <field name="nextShipment" type="date" title="Next Shipment"/> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="outputsLimitedFetch" outputs="itemID,itemName,category,SKU" > </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>