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    ListGrid TextItem prompt/tooltip


    I'm having a tooltip (prompt) issue on a TextItem control embedded within a listGrid. The TextItem
    control has an icon on which I've configured a prompt (hover tooltip). My listGrid is
    configured with editByCell = true. The tooltip prompt appears only when I first hover on the
    edit portion of the TextItem prior to hovering its icon. If I hover the icon portion directly, the
    prompt doesn't show up.

    I don't get this behavior when my TextItem is embedded directly in a top-level DynamicForm,
    not inside a listGrid.

    Is there anything that can be done to fix this behavior as this currently forces our users to first
    move their mouse over the text portion of the field, followed by a hover on the icon itself ?

    Kind regards,

    What's your exact version?

    Do you have custom skinning changes? Does this happen if you revert to the default skin?

    Better yet can you get it to happen by editing a sample to introduce an icon? Then we'd be able to see the issue in action.



      I indeed have a custom skin, but I just tried with the TreeFrog skin to make sure and I
      get the same problem. I'm running version 8 LGPL GA.

      It's easy to reproduce, use any listGrid, make it editable using editByCell = true and
      embed a TextItem field in it, which has an associated icon with a prompt.

      - Approach the icon with your mouse from the right, no tooltip.

      - Approach the icon with your mouse from the left, going over the editable portion of the
      field first, and you get a tooltip.

      Thanks for looking into this.

      Kind regards,


        Sorry, should have asked before - is there a particular browser/version/platform combo where this happens or is it consistent for you across browsers?
        Nevermind - we're seeing it. We'll let you know when we have more information
        Last edited by Isomorphic; 25 Feb 2011, 15:27.


          Ok, this should be resolved - please try the next nightly build and let us know if you continue to see the problem

          Isomorphic Software


            Sorry for the late reply, I just returned from vacation ...

            Thanks for fixing this, but could you please provide this fix as a patch or an official release since our application is now in production ?

            Thanks again,


              Ok we've put together a patch for this (against the 8.0 release) and added it to the Addendums thread here:



                I'll look into this and let you know if there's anything.

                Best regards,



                  With the patch, I now have another similar situation, but this time on the edit cell (not the button) ...

                  Again, within an editable listGrid, I have a custom FormItem derived cell which has a different prompt
                  associated on both the picker button and the edit cell itself. If I move first on the button and then slide
                  left to the edit cell, I see the prompt for the edit cell but if I position my mouse directly on the edit
                  cell while the cell is in "edit" mode, the prompt tooltip doesn't fire ...

                  Thanks for looking into this.

                  Kind regards,


                    Anyone had a chance to further look into this issue?



                      We're troubleshooting it, should be able to get back to you soon.


                        Hmm - actually we're having trouble reproducing the problem. Can you show us what your code looks like that causes this problem?

                        A demo we can run on our end (possibly an adaptation of one of the Feature Explorer samples) is always ideal but we basically need to see the ListGrid definition (specifically the field showing the editor) as well as any logic you may have to define the custom form item.




                          As requested, here's some more insight on reproducing this issue ...

                          From the "Featured Samples -> Grids -> Editing -> Edit by Cell" sample, alter the code to be as follows:

                          isc.defineClass('MyPickerItem', 'TextItem');
                          	showPickerIcon : true,
                          	init : function()
                          		this.pickerIconProperties = { prompt : 'Set selection' };
                          		this.Super('init', arguments);
                          	setValue : function(value)
                          		this.Super('setValue', arguments);
                          		this.prompt = this.getValue();
                              ID: "countryList",
                              width:550, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, cellHeight:22,
                              // use server-side dataSource so edits are retained across page transitions
                              dataSource: countryDS,
                              // display a subset of fields from the datasource
                                  {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:40, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", imageURLSuffix:".png", canEdit:false},
                                  {name:"countryName", editorType:"MyPickerItem"},
                                  {name:"population", formatCellValue:"isc.Format.toUSString(value)"},
                              autoFetchData: true,
                              canEdit: true,
                              editEvent: "click",
                              editByCell: true
                          Now, if you click on any country, it becomes editable ... but hovering the editable cell doesn't fire
                          the tooltip prompt.

                          If you move the mouse over to the piker button on the right (while the cell still remains editable), the
                          picker button prompt tooltip appears ('Set selection') ... Then you move the mouse back to the left, over
                          the editable cell and then the cell's tooltip appears ('Country xyz').

                          It seems that you first need to hover the picker button to have the cell hover fire the cell's tooltip prompt.

                          Everything works when the grid cell is not in edit mode.

                          Last edited by yavery; 16 Mar 2011, 05:20.


                            Thanks for the clear test case. We've got this fixed now - fix should show up in the next nightly build.
                            Please let us know if you continue to have problems with it

                            Isomorphic Software



                              Can you please update the patch that was issued earlier regarding this problem (see earlier in this thread).

                              Thank you,

