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    DSRequest data

    Is there any other way to send request data back to the server when calling fetch for listgrid? When I pass data in like the code below, I get really odd values in the server-side like:

    {criteria={cwFetchType={java_lang_Object_castableTypeMap$={1=1, 50=1, 51=1, 83=1}}}

     listGrid.fetchData(null, null,{showPrompt:false,data:{"cwFetchData":"$dfn"}});
    I should add that this functionality works if I run the application in GWT hosted mode. Am I doing something wrong? Or does this seem like a GWT bug?

    This is definitely some kind of GWT bug. One thing we encountered with SmartGWT is that some GWT APIs that are supposed to return String will actually return what's called a "String Object" in JavaScript, which is not quite a normal String. This happens if, for example, in your Java code you call toString() on an object that is already a String.


      That's exactly what the problem was in my original code "$dfn" was a string variable value I had called toString() for then passed it into JSNI.. Doesn't explain why when I pass a static "$dfn", it also doesn't work. Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the info.

