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    (WebSocket) (Realtime) Data Delivery to/from the client-side: SmartClient ready ?

    Imagine the following scenario: (All) (Realtime) Data Exchange between the client- and server-side is done via a WebSocket Framework; that is instead of using the HTTP protocol, the WS protocol is used ! This could be quite a web app dev paradigm change ...

    I have found the following in the docs which seems to fit this development paradigm: Excerpt from the "SmartClient Quick Start Guide", Chapter 8: Data Integration

    "Finally, setting DataSource.dataProtocol to DSProtocol.CLIENTCUSTOM prevents a DataSource from trying to directly send an HTTP request, allowing integration with data that has already been loaded by a third party communication system, or integration in-browser persistence engines such as HTML5 localStorage or Google Gears."

    Is there a comprehensive overview available for how to leverage such a WebSocket-based approach in conjunction with the client-side SmartClient Framework ? And perhaps another client-side JavaScript Framework which handles routes, etc. ?

    Or is there still another way of leveraging the WS protocol WITHOUT setting DataSource.dataProtocol to DSProtocol.CLIENTCUSTOM ?

    One additional note: The WebSocket Framework I have in mind - jWebSocket ( - supports the following RPCs:

    - c2s (client-to-server), s2c (server-to-client), c2c (client-to-client)

    Perhaps one could plug jWebSocket into the whole SmartClientEE Framework ? Leveraging its client- as well as its server-side goodness ?


      And one more additional note (along the lines that all good forum threads contain at least 3 posts ...): The SmartClient Forum "Similar Threads" functionality has pointed me to the following, older Forum Thread:

      - Exploitation of intelligent, realtime aware, client-side JSON data objects possible ?

      Your recommendation was: Use "client-only" DataSource; which is different from setting the DataSource.dataProtocol to "DSProtocol.CLIENTCUSTOM", I guess ...

