We made some attempts to reproduce this but no luck. Below is one example that seems to follow the pattern you describe, but works correctly. You can turn on the "draws" log in the Developer Console to verify that the drawing order is as you describe.
The only thing we can suggest is that maybe you are using Canvas containers in some places instead of Layouts. Because a Canvas does not impose a visual order on it's children, it also does not manage their tab order - it is undefined.
The only thing we can suggest is that maybe you are using Canvas containers in some places instead of Layouts. Because a Canvas does not impose a visual order on it's children, it also does not manage their tab order - it is undefined.
isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"main", autoDraw:true, members: [ isc.Button.create({ title:"First" }), isc.Button.create({ title:"Second" }) ] }) main.addMember(isc.VLayout.create({ autoDraw:false, ID:"inner" }), 1); isc.logWarn("adding form"); inner.addMember( isc.DynamicForm.create({ autoDraw:false, items : [ { name:"textField" } ] })); isc.logWarn("added form");