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    DMI server integration error

    I'm trying to use DMI server integration method. I used the exact code from the examples but I get an popup error message :

    ERROR:DataSource:supplyItemDMI2:DataSource: supplyItemDMI2: attempt to use DataSource of type iscServer without SmartClient Server option. Please either set clientOnly: true for one-time fetch against dataURL/testFileName or download the edition with SmartClient Server.

    My deployment server is running Tomcat 6.0 and is configured like in documentation(

    Can anyone help me to make this working?

    Thank you,
    Olariu Adrian.

    Somehow you have combined the client-side libraries from SmartClient LGPL with the server side of SmartClient Enterprise Edition. If you were trying out both downloads on the same machine, you might just need to clear cache. Otherwise, make sure your entire installation is based on Enterprise Edition.

