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    visualbuilder - FormLayout - colWidths: Bug?

    SmartClient 8.0 Eval
    Chrome 10

    in visual builder, when I try to set Column Widths, I got a validation error (must be a whole number) as in first picture.

    If I set them in the xml code:
    <DynamicForm numCols="6" .... colWidths="150,150,100,150,150,200">

    and then I load the view, I got the result in the 2nd picture.
    Attached Files

    The correct XML for an Array field like colWidths is:

    However Visual Builder was generating code like your manual attempt, which is a better format anyway, so we've added special logic to support both formats for this field. This will be in the next nightly build.


      great, as usual.

      btw, very nice the autoSave feature and the other improvements


        Are you in the process of updating the current release download?

        I've just downloaded the SmartClient Full-featured evaluation and the visual builder skin is SilverWave with some glitches, instead of BlackOps...


          No, this hasn't been changed. Try clearing your browser cache. If it persists, look at tools/visualBuilder/index.jsp, you should see a <script src=> to load skins/ToolSkin/load_skin.js. If this isn't working for some reason, you'd get the results you described.


            oh sorry, false alarm!

            btw, what is the "right" way to integrate the new feature of the visual builder in the supported version? Is it possible?

            Or, when will you release a new supported version ?


              Sorry, don't understand the question. You should use Visual Builder with the version it came with.


                the question is: can I mix the visual builder in the nightly build with the 8.0 sdk?

