I need suggestions on how to deal with the following problem. I have masking that allows for any character to be entered including the prompt character which is "_". How can I go about doing this without having the change the prompt char? Right now when I enter "_" it doesn't save as part of the value. Please note we are not using the built-in masking but a modified MaskedTextItem due to the restriction in the masking of the built-in one (this should not matter for my problem I don't think).
isc.DynamicForm.create({ width: 400,ID: "test", fields: [ { name: "state", title: "State", type: "text", mask: "CC", hint: ">LL", name: "ccTest"} ] }); isc.Button.create({ID: "testButton", top: 200,title: "showValue",click: function(){isc.warn(test.getValue("ccTest"));}})