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    ListGrid: different auto width strategies depending if there is enough hor. space

    For automatic column width sizing I would like to achieve the following:
    1- if there is enough horizontal space then at least the column titles should be shown (autofitwidthapproach='title') and one column is expanded for the remaining space
    2- if there is not enough horizontal space to show all columns then the gridfield width should be followed

    Afaik currently I can choose either of the above strategies, but it is not possible to define a different sizing strategy for when there is enough horizontal space and when there is not enough horizontal space.

    Or is it somehow possible by setting specific properties?

    gr. Martin

    No, that's not a built-in auto-sizing strategy. The closest you can get is ListGrid.minFieldWidth which sets a minimum width for all fields, but not individual fields. Other than that you would need to implement this yourself with a strategy similar to the ListGrid's (measuring content by drawing it offscreen).

