This is with the 2011-05-17 Nightly on Chrome.
Run this page, and you see the label wants the top edge to be aligned with the top of "Oakland" in the logo (which is 15px below where the top of the logo image is).
I include the thing that's centered because I need to have the overall layout be 100%/100% to have the main content centered properly.
Run this page, and you see the label wants the top edge to be aligned with the top of "Oakland" in the logo (which is 15px below where the top of the logo image is).
I include the thing that's centered because I need to have the overall layout be 100%/100% to have the main content centered properly.
<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT> var isomorphicDir = "../isomorphic/"; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=../isomorphic/skins/SmartClient/load_skin.js></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT> var loginLayout = isc.HLayout.create({ ID : "loginLayout", width : "100%", height : "100%", align : "center", autoDraw : false, members : [ isc.VLayout.create({ height : "100%", width : "100%", align : "center", defaultLayoutAlign : "center", members : [ isc.Label.create({ width : 200, height : 50, valign : "top", contents : "is centered" }) ] }) ] }); isc.VLayout .create({ ID : "mainLayout", width : "100%", height : "100%", members : [ isc.HLayout .create({ ID : "topLayout", valign : "top", members : [ isc.Img .create({ imageType : "normal", src : "", height : 50 }), isc.Label .create({ top : "15", width : 200, height : 50, valign : "top", contents : "contents (should be aligned with top of logo)", baseStyle : "font-size: 14px;" }), loginLayout ] }) ] }); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>