I have a dynamic form with many SectionItems in a layout with overflow set to auto. If I scroll to one of the lower sections and I do an expand or collapse, my view jumps to the top of the view.This is very annoying for the user.
How can I prevent this?
Here is my code:
SmartClient 8.0
How can I prevent this?
Here is my code:
isc.VLayout.create({ width: 320, height: 150, overflow:"auto", members: [ isc.DynamicForm.create({ width: 300, fields: [ { defaultValue:"Item", type:"section", sectionExpanded:true, selectOnFocus :true, itemIds: ["itemName", "description", "price"] }, { name:"itemName", type:"text", title:"Item"}, { name:"description", type:"textArea", title:"Description"}, { name:"price", type:"float", title:"Price", defaultValue:"low"}, { defaultValue:"Stock", type:"section", sectionExpanded:false, itemIds: ["inStock", "nextShipment"] }, { name:"inStock", type:"checkbox", title:"In Stock" }, { name:"nextShipment", type:"date", title:"Next Shipment", useTextField:true}, { defaultValue:"Stock2", type:"section", sectionExpanded:false, itemIds: ["inStock2", "nextShipment2"] }, { name:"inStock2", type:"checkbox", title:"In Stock" }, { name:"nextShipment2", type:"date", title:"Next Shipment", useTextField:true} ] }) ]})