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    VisualBuilder event code problem


    I'm evaluating SmartClient 8.0 (evaluation version) and have come across what seems to be a really annoying bug in the VisualBuilder.

    We want to use the VisualBuilder to create our various views and to load them dynamically at run time. We also want to be able to use VisualBuilder to edit these views in future.

    The builder allows me to select a component and then enter JavaScript code for any of the events on that component. The works very well. When I save the view, the JavaScript is saved in the XML definition as you'd expect.

    The problem is when I reload the view, the previously entered JavaScript is no longer shown in the Events panel. It's still there - it is shown in the Code panel but not in the Build/Events panel.

    The only way I've found to edit an event handler is to use a text editor on the xml file - not exactly what I want to do.

    If this is a bug, can you please fix it?


    Thanks for the report - this is fixed internally and will appear in upcoming nightlies (


      Thank you for fixing this.

      I have tested the fix with SmartClient PRO 2011-06-02 and it works :)

      Unfortunately the fix seems to have introduced some new unexpected behaviour. If you start a new project and place a DynamicForm on the DataView, click the DynamicForm, select the Events tab on the left, and then press the More button on the bottom left then internal javascript code will appear in the following event handlers: drop, dropMove, dropOver, mover, resized, and scrolled.

      This javascript seems to be internal widget code that should not be visible to the user. It is not initially shown in the "Code" tab, but if you should enter the edit dialog for one of these event handlers then the code does end up inside your XML. If you save and reload that XML then parsing errors are reported on the console. e.g.
      ERROR XML - XML parser fatal error: file '(in memory stream)' line 8: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.

      thanks again for the fix,



        Hi Andrew,
        This should now be resolved - please try the next nightly build (June 15 or greater) and let us know if you continue to see it

        Isomorphic Software



          While evaluating SmartClient v8.3p_2013-01-09/EVAL Development Only, I am having exactly the same issue reported by asgillett at the start of the thread: custom event added on ListGrid recordClick is not shown after File -> Load View in Build/Events view, but only in Code view. Please help.

          Chrome 24.0.1312.57 m
          Opera 12.02
          IE 8.0.6001.18702
          Firefox 19.0

          There are no errors in server / Developer Console logs.

          ListGrid with custom event pasted from Code view:
          <ListGrid dataSource="ref:GROUPS" autoFetchData="true" ID="GroupsListGrid" width="500" autoDraw="false">
                  <ListGridField name="GROUPNAME" title="Groupname"/>
                  <ListGridField name="DESCRIPTION" title="Description"/>
              <recordClick>GroupRolesListGrid.fetchRelatedData(record, viewer, null, null);
          GroupUsersListGrid.fetchRelatedData(record, viewer, null, null)</recordClick>
          Last edited by vstrale; 26 Feb 2013, 06:31.


            Any news, Isomorphic?


              Is it a bug or a feature,
              that nasty creature?

