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    Adding any widgets to List Grid cells example


    I can not found any Java Script example code how to add any widgets like buttons to grid cells mentioned here:

    Widgets in grid cells: attach any component to any Grid cell. Includes automatic lifecycle management of components for load-on-demand grids, including a component pooling mode. Works for trees too.

    Could you please provide me such an example?

    Regards Thomas

    If you search the documentation for "recordComponent", you should find plenty of information and an example also exists in recent nightlies - briefly, though, you need to add this code to a ListGrid:

    showRecordComponents: true,
    showRecordComponentsByCell: true,
    createRecordComponent : function (record, colNum) {
        // return any canvas.
        // if you want to show components only for certain fields, you can use something like the following code
        var fieldName = this.getFieldName(colNum);
        if (fieldName == "someField") {
            return [a canvas];
        } else if (fieldName == "anotherField") {
            return [a different canvas];


      I searched on google for adding widgets as listgrid records and landed on this page from 2006. Great! it worked for me. however, i also want to span one widget across multiple columns. how do i do that? Although this question is in the smartclient framework, i am using smartgwt and i was able to apply the solution below to smartgwt.

      Thanks and looking forward to a response.

      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      If you search the documentation for "recordComponent", you should find plenty of information and an example also exists in recent nightlies - briefly, though, you need to add this code to a ListGrid:

      showRecordComponents: true,
      showRecordComponentsByCell: true,
      createRecordComponent : function (record, colNum) {
          // return any canvas.
          // if you want to show components only for certain fields, you can use something like the following code
          var fieldName = this.getFieldName(colNum);
          if (fieldName == "someField") {
              return [a canvas];
          } else if (fieldName == "anotherField") {
              return [a different canvas];


        This feature didn't exist until 2009. Perhaps you were reading the web page of a psychic ;)

        Can you give us an idea of what you're trying to accomplish, from the end user's perspective? It's strange to want to span a component across multiple columns, and suggests that you may want to use an approach other than recordComponents.

