The List grid has showFilterEditor and filterOnKeypress property set as true but the grid filter does not work for any of the fields.
The ListGrid created is not data bound i.e. not associated with a dataSource but is populated with the "setData" callback(see code snippet)
SmartClient version 7 is in use.
The ListGrid created is not data bound i.e. not associated with a dataSource but is populated with the "setData" callback(see code snippet)
SmartClient version 7 is in use.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "pcSDSingleInstrIndeptList", width:500,height:260, alternateRecordStyles:true, showFilterEditor: true, filterOnKeypress: true, canEdit:false, fields:[ {name:"identifier", title:"Identifier", width:80, canEdit:false}, {name:"issueName", title:"Instruments", width:200, canEdit:false}, {name:"coupon", title:"Coupon", width:60, canEdit:false}, {name:"maturityDate", title:"Maturity", width:60, canEdit:false}, {name:"sortComment", title:"Sort Comment", width:80, canEdit:false} ], saveLocally: true, autoSaveEdits: false, canReorderRecords: true, canDragRecordsOut: false, canAcceptDroppedRecords: true, dragDataAction: "move", transferDragData : function () { hasPCChangesOnSD = true; return this.Super("transferDragData"); } }); isc.DataSource.get("instrumentDS").fetchData({userID: userID, sectorID: sectorID, instrumentID: instrumentId, independentOnly: "independentOnly"}, "pcSDSingleInstrIndeptList.setData(data)", null);