I have set up a RestDataSource with
but when I do a
the records value got submitted in the query string using a GET request, as I can see in the server logs:
even if I set to use the POST method for params in the related operation binding.
If I remove the scriptInclude transport it works properly.
Is there anything else I have to change or with scriptInclude transport the only HTTP method allowed is GET ??
thank u in advance
I have set up a RestDataSource with
isc.RestDataSource.create{ ID: "test", dataTransport : "scriptInclude" operationBindings : [ {operationType:"fetch", dataProtocol:"getParams"}, {operationType:"add", dataProtocol:"postParams"} ] fetchDataURL: "http://glibrary.ct.infn.it:8000/amga/Entries/decide/gridspm/Entries/PetSpect/", addDataURL: "http://glibrary.ct.infn.it:8000/amga/Entries/decide/gridspm/Entries/PetSpect/" }
test.addData({filename: "pippo.jpg"})
Code: - - [01/Jul/2011 15:06:44] "GET /amga/Entries/decide/gridspm/Entries/PetSpect/?filename=pippo.jpg&callback=isc.Comm._scriptIncludeReply_22 HTTP/1.1"
If I remove the scriptInclude transport it works properly.
Is there anything else I have to change or with scriptInclude transport the only HTTP method allowed is GET ??
thank u in advance