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    Best way for client-server communication?


    Right now, I'm working on hooking up a UI that I have created to an existing system written in Java. Everything I've created so far runs entirely client-side with a hard-coded data source (using a class that extends ListGridRecord). I'm not very familiar with web development, so I don't really know exactly how to make my system compatible with a dynamic datasource generated server side.

    I have read a bunch of stuff about RPC, but I'm not convinced this is exactly what I'm looking for. One idea I had was to add code in the existing system to generate an XML datasource, and then simply link to that in my smartGWT project.

    Any thoughts/advice/further information for me? I really just need someone to bounce these ideas off of before I spend a ton of time on this.


    Be sure you have read the quickstart guide.


      Wasn't aware of that one. I'll definitely check that out. Thanks!!


        Follow up question: Is there an easy/built in way to generate an XML datasource (or any datasource compatible with smartGWT) from a 2-D array of Objects?


          If your talking about in Java on the server and the objects are POJOs, you can set DataSource.schemaBean to the class of the POJO as described in the QuickStart, Server Framework chapter.


            When I try to test my revised implementation using a small, hard-coded xml datasource, nothing is displaying in the listGrid. What should the path be for the setDataURL() method? Currently, my small xml datasource is in the client folder.


              Ignore the previous post. I found the solution in the quick start guide. Thanks again!

