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    Styling change/problem moving to nightly build 17th/7

    I moved from a build from may to a recent build and I have trouble with the styling of the picklist. See the attached screenshot. It seems that the size of the cell of a picklist does not completely extend to the full size of the picklist body. See the white border on the right of the cell.

    I have tried several things but I could not really see how to solve this. Is this something which you also see? Or what has changed so I can solve it?

    Thanks for any pointers on this!

    gr. Martin
    Attached Files

    No, we're not seeing this. You may have done something with the leaveScrollbarGap setting that forces it on in this case, or may have CSS styling that's applying to the right side of the picklist for some reason. Gather more details with Firebug (eg what is creating the gap) and let us know if you need assistance.


      I set this: autoSizePickList: false and now the problem disappears (and the picklist is rendered exactly the same width as the combo, which is fine).

      For reference I am using a combo with a datasource, the problem occurs when:
      - initially the values in the suggestion box are larger (more wide) than the combo field itself
      - then when typing in values and the remaining values in the suggestion box become smaller than the combo width, then the issue occurs.

      The table with the class listTable and role presentation is then rendered smaller (with a smaller width) then the picklist body.

      gr. Martin

