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    Enterpise Blue - load_skin.js typo

    I just downloaded the 8.1 LGPL version, and the "Enterprise Blue" skin has what appears to be a typo on line 951 of the load_skin.js file:

    if (isc.`) {

    which I believe should be:

    if (isc.Calendar) {

    Wanted to let you guys know in case it was more than just a problem with my particular download.

    This is also the case with LGPL 2.5.


      Already fixed with a patch available.


        I appreciate the fix but because I am using the maven distribution the nightly build fix causes problems because you have replaced in CloseClientEvent and CloseClickEvent (good change). I wouldn't mind replacing it in my code but the next time I get the maven distribution my code won't compile. If you could fix the js error in maven I would be fine until it is upgraded.

