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    SmartGWT custom skin live websites?

    Sorry, did not mean to post this to this forum.

    Can I get pointers to SmartGWT/SmartClient websites/apps that truly exploit the CSS/custom skinning capabilities? By that I mean, do not look/feel like the Isomorphic Showcase or basic GWT samples, but more like, for example.

    I am not disparaging the Showcase by any means, but we need a UI/skin that is much less industrial, more streamlined/fun although rich with controls, grids, etc. We're not sure if what smartGWT offers is adequate. So, any feedback from UI designers who have tried to do this is appreciated.

    I see that Isomorphic offers consulting services. Can they point to a 3rd-party site that has the kind of look and feel I'm trying to describe?

    Thank you very much.
    Last edited by ohmi; 25 Aug 2011, 09:16.

    SmartGWT is for enterprise apps so people don't generally try for a Twitter-like feel - we've never seen such an attempt.

    You can see a few examples of custom-skinned apps here.

    Unfortunately, despite the number of times we've seen custom skins created or built them on behalf of customers, there are very few that we can share - most customers building things with SmartGWT consider the interface highly proprietary and will not allow screenshots to be shared publicly.


      Note by the way that if you are going for a Twitter-like look and feel, the "Simplicity" skin is probably the best starting point. It's also the easiest to modify since it uses almost no media, relying on CSS gradients and rounded corners instead, which are easy to modify without sophisticated tools.


        Thank you very much. We'll take a look at it that way.

