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    Isomorphic Public Wiki

    Welcome to the Isomorphic Public Wiki

    We are happy to announce the launch of our first public wiki located at:

    Our new wiki is part of an ongoing effort to bring our developer community the best, most relevant content possible for creating applications on the SmartClient and Smart GWT platforms.

    Here you’ll find developers from around the world writing about what they’re working on. You’ve got developers and product experts highlighting the latest and greatest. They're here to collaborate and share best practices so you can get the most out of our products. We’ve also added several articles pointing to popular forums threads along with entirely new content.

    This service has been created as a resource for you, the developers, so please let us know if you have suggestions or feedback in the Forums. We’re just getting started with our community resources, but we’re excited about what we have and what’s in store.


    The Isomorphic Team

    How to Join

    Commenting does not require sign-up, but if if you would like to contribute or edit content please create an account:

    You can also click the Sign Up link on the wiki. To learn more about the wiki and how it works, please click the “Welcome Screen” link located at the top right hand corner of the page.


    The new wiki will allow you to:
    • Create new pages that will be useful resources for all. Addition of new examples, documentation, setup procedures, and other vital information will get you noticed while helping out the entire community. Every user has a voice and everyone's contribution is seen, heard, and can be commented upon.
    • Spread the word by adding links on the wiki to resources you find helpful. Post links when you find a thoughtful forum thread, blog post, or other items of interest so you and others can refer to it later.

    When adding new content, please:
    • Show your respect for other contributors by carefully placing pages and links to your content according to who might be interested.
    • Visit the Forums when reporting bugs, making feature requests, or asking questions.
    Last edited by Isomorphic; 14 Mar 2013, 13:19.