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    Set the size of input box of uploaditem


    how is possible set the size of the input box for fileuploaditem? I refer to the text area where is show the name of file after the user chose the file.
    Setting the width has no effect, and the SIZE is an HTML attribute not settable via javascript but that must be present on HTML template beyond the widget (the html template of smartclietn widget), unless to do direct native DOM manipolation (that I would like to avoid).


    For a FormItem fi.setWidth(width); this sets the width of a field, such as TextItem ...

    Why doesn't the uploadItem have a fixed size button and a variable sized display field?

    The setWidth on an upload item is broken.


      We are not creating that button and text field - the entire thing is one native browser control, and styling options are very limited because it would be a security issue to be able to make it look very different. Also note, the control appears completely different on different browsers/platforms (Chrome has no text field at all for example).

      So, we wouldn't recommend attempting to style it or size it at all beyond setting a reasonable width for the whole control, but you could dig into browser-specific CSS and see if you can improve it to your taste without messing up other browsers.

