I have a custom dialog which used to work in 8.0, but now it doesn't behave the same. Also, I've noticed the following exception in the console:
The test code is the following:
What is the proper way to do it now? Also, it would be nice to have an example of custom dialogs in Samples page.
Thank you
Edit: After the dialog box is closed, clicking on Remove button, it won't open the dialog again.
I have a custom dialog which used to work in 8.0, but now it doesn't behave the same. Also, I've noticed the following exception in the console:
00:00:55.378:MUP4:WARN:Log:TypeError: this.messageIcon is undefined unnamed("Remove [<b>ToBeRemoved</b>]?", {Obj}) unnamed("Remove [<b>ToBeRemoved</b>]?", "say", "", {Obj}) unnamed("Remove [<b>ToBeRemoved</b>]?", "", {Obj}) confirmRemove("ToBeRemoved") @ dialog.htm:178 unnamed({Obj}, undef) @ dialog.htm:65 StatefulCanvas.handleActivate(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>undef) StatefulCanvas.handleClick(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>undef) [c]EventHandler.bubbleEvent(_1=>{Obj}, _2=>"click") [c]EventHandler.handleClick(_1=>{Obj}) EventHandler._handleMouseUp([object MouseEvent], undef) [c]EventHandler.handleMouseUp(_1=>[object MouseEvent]) [c]EventHandler.dispatch(_1=>isc_c_EventHandler_handleMouseUp, _2=>[object MouseEvent]) anonymous([object MouseEvent]) unnamed() @ :0 unnamed() @
isc.Button.create({ title : "Remove", click : function() { confirmRemove("ToBeRemoved"); }, position : "absolute", top : 50, left : 200 }); function confirmRemove(name) { var dialogBtns = new Array(); dialogBtns[0] = { title : "Yes", width : 70, click : "dialogRemove.hide();alert('Some remove action');" }; dialogBtns[1] = { title : "No", width : 70, click : "dialogRemove.hide();" }; isc.say("Remove [<b>" + name + "</b>]?", "", { ID : "dialogRemove", title : "Remove", toolbarButtons : dialogBtns, isModal : true }); }
Thank you
Edit: After the dialog box is closed, clicking on Remove button, it won't open the dialog again.