I have a listgrid i want to change the datasource dynamically based on condition .. How to did it.....
It Should call separate webservice based on condition and should corresponding feilds retuened by it..
I want to set and reset the datasource dynamically.
I am able to set the feilds but not datasource .
It should switch between the datasource dynamically...
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "lgrptcard", // top:"23%", width:"100%", height:"68%", border:"0", headerHeight:40, border:"0", bodyBackgroundColor:"#808080", showSortArrow:"none", showFilterEditor:false, sortDirection:false, autoDraw:true, showAllRecords:true, align:"center", // canFreezeFields:true, dataSource:getDygriddata, fields:MainArray, showHeader:true, enterKeyEditAction:"nextRow", editEvent: "click", baseStyle: "myBoxedAlternateGridCell", alternateRecordStyles:true, canDragSelect: true, editByCell: true, canReorderFields:false, // canEdit:true, // autoSaveEdits:false, recordClick:function(rowNum, colNum) { }, canEditCell : function (rowNum, colNum) { } // otherwise return the returnValue of the superclass implementation // } return canEdit; }, editorExit:function(editCompletionEvent, record, newValue, rowNum, colNum) { return true; } } }) if(Condition 1) { getDygriddata ;= RptService.getFetchDS("GetRosterGrades2_final_last", null, { recordXPath:"//Table" }); lgrptcard.fetchData({}); lgrptcard.setFeilds(MainArray); } } else { getDygriddata = RptService.getFetchDS("GetStudentSkillSetsNew", null, { recordXPath:"//dtemp" }); lgrptcard.fetchData({}); lgrptcard.setFeilds(MainArray); }
I want to set and reset the datasource dynamically.
I am able to set the feilds but not datasource .
It should switch between the datasource dynamically...