Two questions:
(1) Our customers want to visually delimit both Frozen Columns and Header Spans. How do we, for example, show a vertical line to the rightmost of any frozen columns, and a vertical line to the left of each header span?
See the attached PNG which shows the following code (modified from your Feature Explorer), with vertical lines added in photoshop. The mockup shows the vertical line extending through both column header and list grid body, but having the line in the list grid body only would be sufficient.
(2) Also, the PNG illustrates that when the ListGrid headerHeight is set above the default (for example, to accommodate very long, wrapped column header titles), the header menu button (down arrow) is stretched abnormally. How do we ensure that the button image does not appear stretched?
Browser: Firefox 7
SmartClient version: 8.1
Thanks very much!
(1) Our customers want to visually delimit both Frozen Columns and Header Spans. How do we, for example, show a vertical line to the rightmost of any frozen columns, and a vertical line to the left of each header span?
See the attached PNG which shows the following code (modified from your Feature Explorer), with vertical lines added in photoshop. The mockup shows the vertical line extending through both column header and list grid body, but having the line in the list grid body only would be sufficient.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", width:750, height:224, alternateRecordStyles:true, headerHeight: 100, dataSource: countryDS, autoFetchData: true, fields:[ {name:"countryCode", title:"Flag", width:50, type:"image", imageURLPrefix:"flags/16/", frozen:true, imageURLSuffix:".png"}, {name:"countryName", title:"Country", frozen:true}, {name:"capital"}, {name:"government"}, {name:"independence", title:"Nationhood"}, {name:"population", title:"Population", formatCellValue:"isc.Format.toUSString(value)"}, {name:"area", title:"Area (km²)", formatCellValue:"isc.Format.toUSString(value)"}, {name:"gdp", formatCellValue:"isc.Format.toUSString(value)"} ], headerSpans: [ { fields: ["capital", "government", "independence"], title: "Government & Politics" }, { fields: ["population", "area", "gdp"], title: "Demographics" } ] })
Browser: Firefox 7
SmartClient version: 8.1
Thanks very much!