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  • sdixon99
    Great! Thanks,


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  • Isomorphic
    Confirmed that this is a WebKit regression (we see it on Safari 5.1.1 and Chrome 15) and worked around it with slightly different HTML. Fix will be present in the next nightly build (both 8.1.x and 8.x).

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  • sdixon99
    started a topic Problem with SilverWave skin

    Problem with SilverWave skin

    It appears there is a problem with the SilverWave skin in the layout of Dialog boxes (SC 8.0 or 8.1). You can see it using the Feature Explorer. Set the skin to SilverWave and try the Hello World example. Push the button and you will see that the bottom border on the Dialog box that comes up is not correct. It shows up as a white bar instead of the border which shows up on the other sides.
    This problem shows up with latest versions of Chrome and Safari on OS X and also Chrome on Windows. So it appears to be an issue with WebKit, probably.
    Perhaps it is a browser bug, but in any case can you suggest a workaround?