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    FormItem mouse focus lost vs. validation triggering


    I have a FormItem mouse focus lost vs. validation triggering issue.

    The problem is that when a user enters an invalid value in a field and then tries to
    click the picker icon with his mouse, the picker icon moves away to bring up the
    error icon. Therefore the user's mouse click gets lost and doesn't get processed ...

    You can use the following code to reproduce:

        ID: "dateForm", numCols : 2, titleOrientation : "left", width : 600,
        errorOrientation : 'right', showErrorText : false,  showErrorIcons : true,
        fields: [
            { name:"dateInput", title:"Test", type:"date", useTextField:true, validateOnExit : true }
    Steps to reproduce using the above code:

    1) enter an invalid value in the date field using the keyboard (e.g.: 'hjdsfhjfd')
    2) while the cursor is still within the date field, use your mouse and click the date picker icon
    3) the date picker icon moves away under your mouse to show the error icon

    The problem happens for any field that has a "picker" icon and on which
    the errorOrientation property is set to 'right' ...

    Would it be possible to invert the picker icon and error icon to have this situation
    prevented ? Any other fix or solution you can provide ?


    Small precision ... This seems to be browser related. Here are some findings:

    IE8 : Works - this isn't an issue.
    IE9 : Doesn't work - issue as reported.
    Chrome : Doesn't work - issue as reported.
    FF : Works - this isn't an issue.

    So it seems to be a Chrome + IE9 issue ... We also tried this with multiple skins to make sure it isn't skin related and it isn't.

    Thanks for looking into this. Kind regards,


      We see the problem, however we are probably going to have to mark this "wontfix" for now.

      It appears to stem from two different but related bugs in IE9 and Chrome, we think Chrome at least is likely to correct it, and the effort to work around the problem is too large and too likely to introduce other bugs to be worthwhile to correct a mild annoyance that only occurs for an unlikely sequence of user actions and only for errorOrientation:"right".

      Hopefully this makes sense.


        Thanks for your reply,

        We've tried out the errorOrientation = 'left' approach which could probably be viable for us ...

        When errorOrientation is set to 'left' on the date picker control from the example code
        provided in our prior post, we did notice that upon displaying an error message, a gap gets
        created on the right side of the input box (between the input box and the picker icon).

        It's as if some space was provisioned for an error icon on the right, although
        we are explicitly requesting the error icon to display on the left ...

        Why is that ? Is there a way to get rid of that gap ?



          This gap between the field and the picker icon, while an error is being displayed, appears
          whether the error icon is positioned left or right. So it's unrelated to the error icon position,
          but it's still awkward looking since all of our other fields that use the picker icon feature
          don't expose this additional gap ...

          Only the DateItem control seem to have that gap when an error is being displayed ...

          Is there an explanation for this gap ? Any way to remove this ?



            If this is the bug we think it is, this was actually fixed about 3 weeks ago. Can you update and verify it's gone?


              I can't really update as I'm not running 8.1 ... I'm still running 8.0 GA, but if I look at your current online
              examples, the code base over there still exposes that gap issue, so I'm not quite sure we're talking about
              the same issue or not, unless your online examples don't use the latest 8.1 release either ?


                The online samples do not reflect nightly builds, correct. We would definitely recommend moving to 8.1.x.


                  Easier said than done ;-)

                  That would imply full regression testing on our behalf. Not
                  sure my management would want this, at least at this time.

                  I'll see what I can do about migrating to 8.1 ...

                  Any major changes from 8.0 to 8.1 or should this be 100%
                  backward compatible ?

                  By the way, is 8.1 Beta or GA ?



                    All releases are intended to be backwards compatible, and we do a lot of testing to ensure this. That said, things slip through. We would definitely recommend using an 8.1.x nightly rather than 8.1 GA as it contains only fixes relative to 8.1 GA, some of which were fixes for subtle backcompat issues.

